Patient: Brian Sedgley
ACE Dentist providing treatment: Dr. Mike Maroon
Treatment: Short Term Ortho, crowns and fillings
A Bio from Brian: My name is Master Sergeant Brian Sedgley and I am from Scituate, Rhode Island.
I started my military career by entering the United States Air Force right out of High School in 1984.
After attending basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, I started my training as a Security Policeman.
After finishing my schooling, my first assignment was to Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, where I was assigned to the 91st Missile Security Squadron.
During my tour at Minot, I was trained as a Security Response Team member/leader.
In 1986, I was assigned to the 50th Security police Squadron at Hahn Airbase, Germany.
During my three years of service in Germany, I performed duties as a Fire Team Leader/Member, and Base Installation Security System Operator where I monitored alarm systems for the Weapons Storage Area and dispatched responding patrols.
In September 1989, I left active duty and joined the Rhode Island Air National Guard in a part time capacity so I could pursue my dreams of becoming a civilian police officer.
While serving with the police department I held the position of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) officer in the elementary schools, and was also the canine handler, trained in narcotic detection and patrol duties.

Shortly after September 11, 2001, I was activated and was sent to Germany to supervise a group of specialty trained Air Force Security Forces members known as Ravens.
The Raven teams help detect, deter, and counter threats to Air Mobility Command (AMC) aircraft by performing close-in aircraft security; advising aircrews on force protection measures; conducting airfield assessments; and assisting aircrews in the performance of their duties when not performing their primary security duties.
During this deployment, I had the privilege to be part of several dignitary missions, providing security in fifty-four countries all over the world.
After having been away from my family and friends for a year and a half, I returned to Rhode Island to continue my police career.
I retired from the police department with the rank of Sergeant in April 2007 and started working for the Rhode Island National Guard Counterdrug Program full time.
I was assigned to the Providence Police Department in Rhode Island as a trained military crime intelligence analyst.
In April 2011, I deployed to Afghanistan for six months, serving as the Fly Away Security Team (FAST) Coordinator.
In 2012, I became an Active Guard Reservist with the 143rd Security Forces Squadron in Rhode Island where I am the Flight Sergeant for second shift.
Just recently, during Hurricane Sandy, I once again had the honor of serving and helping those in need while setting up traffic control points and conducting patrols in an area of Rhode Island that had been struck hard by the storm.

I truly enjoy serving and helping others in need and by joining the military and working with the Police Department, I have chosen a career path that is truly rewarding.
“I’ve never asked for anything in my life, but because this is such a big deal to me, and I’m unable to get treatment through the military, I am able to rely on an awesome organization such as “A Soldiers Smile” to make my dream come true. I know my new smile will definitely change how I feel about myself. Thank you.” – Brian Sedgley
*Currently Brian is undergoing the first phase of his treatment, Short Term Orthodontics. Once complete we will provide pictures of his final smile makeover. Stay tuned!