Patient: Ronald Smith
ACE Dentist providing treatment: Dr. Gregory Sawyer (Los Gatos Dental Group)
Treatment: Full Dentures
Ronald Smith is 75 years old and lives in the bay area in a retirement facility. He served as an Army infantryman/staff sergeant from 1960-1964, stationed in Germany and California.
All of Ronald’s 27 teeth are broken, decayed, or periodontally infected, and need to be removed and replaced with full dentures on the top and bottom arches.
He found A Soldier’s Smile after his cardiologist and cardiac surgeon told him he needs heart valve replacement surgery, but because his dental health is in such poor shape they wouldn’t be able to proceed until he has his dental situation under control. To make things worse, Ronald also has high blood pressure.
During an examination in early February, a panoramic x-ray revealed all 27 of his remaining teeth were either broken, decayed or periodontally infected, and would have to be removed and replaced with full dentures on the top and bottom arches.
Financially, this burden was too great for him to handle on his own since he has no dental coverage and is on a fixed income.
He has a son that lives in the bay area and a daughter that lives in Arizona.
He has two grandsons- aged 8 & 10 years old. Throughout his life Ronald has enjoyed photography and fishing, but hasn’t been able to find pleasure in those recently.
He also enjoys watching medical related shows and surfing the internet to learn more.